Pamela Thiel, Orchestra Director
Pamela Thiel is in her twenty-fourth year as orchestra director for Sylvania City Schools. Her duties include directing the orchestras at Northview High School, as well as Arbor Hills and McCord Junior High Schools. She currently serves on the OMEA Adjudications Committee as Instrumental Adviser.
Before moving to Sylvania, Mrs. Thiel was the orchestra director for Bowling Green City Schools, a position she held for ten years. She is listed in three editions of "Who's Who Among America's Teachers", and was named a Sylvania Schools Teacher of the Year in 2004.
Mrs. Thiel holds an undergraduate degree in Music Education from Wilkes College, in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Her master's degree is from Bowling Green State University. Active in the Ohio Music Education Association, Mrs. Thiel is an OMEA Adjudicator, clinician, and has chaired the District I Honors Orchestra, NW Region Orchestra, and 2008 OMEA All-State Orchestra. From 2010-2016 she served OMEA as All-Region Orchestra Chair.
Nathan Heath, Band Director
Nathan Heath is in his tenth year teaching at Sylvania Northview. This is his sixth year as Head Band Director of the Wildcat Band. Prior to this, he served for two years as the Associate Band Director of the Wildcat Band.
Before teaching at Sylvania, Mr. Heath was a music educator and professional trumpet player throughout the greater Cleveland area. He has served on the music faculty of Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory of Music, Case Western Reserve University, and The University of Akron. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Music Education from Bowling Green State University as well as a Master of Music Performance from the University of Akron.
At Northview, Mr. Heath directs the Wildcat Marching Band, the Wind Ensemble, the Concert Band, two Jazz Bands, and assists with Pep Band, Concert Band, and the Jazz Combos. He also team teaches the sixth and seventh grade bands at McCord Junior High School.

Carter Adams, Assoc. Band Director
Carter Adams is in his second year of teaching in Sylvania Schools. Mr. Adams serves as the Associate Band Director for Northview High School, and directs the band program at Arbor Hills Junior High School.
Before coming to Sylvania, Mr. Adams graduated from Indiana University - Bloomington with a Bachelor’s Degree in Instrumental Music Education. While at IU, he performed as the timpanist for several groups including the Wind Ensemble, Concert Orchestra, and Symphony Orchestra. Additionally, he played tenor saxophone in the Indiana University Marching Hundred and Big Red Basketball Band. During his senior year, he had the honor of serving as the Drum Major for the marching band. Mr. Adams is originally from Perrysburg, Ohio.
At Northview High School, Mr. Adams directs the Symphonic Band, co-teaches the Wildcat Marching Band and the Concert Band, and assists with the Wind Ensemble. At Arbor Hills Junior High, he teaches 6th, 7th, and 8th grade band.